
ATE-2152Animate now supports more diff pair - current mirror and current mirror - diff pair - current mirror cases.
ATE-2134Added a check mark beside the Probe tool in the context menu, to indicate when active.



Resolved Issues

AN-2188Fixed case where some dummy devices would not be added to the DNW guard ring correctly.
ATE-2158mfactor groups are now treated together for poly head flipping.
ATE-2157Resolved an issue where some instances were flipping incorrectly due to an issue in wirelength optimisation.
ATE-2191Issue resolved with inconsistent zoom level in Blueprint Editor and layout.
ATE-2170Pressing Shift+K or P when a context menu is visible in Edit view now closes the context menu correctly, regardless of whether ruler mode is enabled or disabled.
ATE-2153Fixed a crash attempting to query guard rings in the Blueprint Editor.
ATE-2101Changing view mode no longer causes the Constraints Editor to jump back to the first tab.


Other Items

ATE-2189, ATE-2174, ATE-2173, ATE-2159, ATE-2154, ATE-2150, ATE-2149, ATE-2146, ATE-2192, ATE-2182, ATE-2180, ATE-2179, ATE-2178, ATE-2177, ATE-2176, ATE-2175, ATE-2172, ATE-2165, ATE-2135, ATE-2124, ATE-2107.