
Animate Preview uses a cloud-based license server. In most company networks that allow outgoing HTTPS traffic, Animate Preview can connect directly with the cloud-based license server.

Some networks block outgoing HTTPS traffic by default. In those cases, Animate Preview can use a proxy server to communicate with the cloud-based license server.

A proxy server is a bridge between you and the rest of the internet. Normally, when you start Animate Preview it connects to the license server over the internet. When you use a proxy, Animate Preview first connects to the proxy, and the proxy forwards the license request to the cloud license server. 

Proxy Settings

When Animate Preview is started from Virtuoso, if it is unable to connect directly to the cloud-based license server, a new Proxy Settings menu item will appear on the right-click menu:

Clicking Proxy Settings will display a dialog, allowing you to enter the appropriate proxy details:

  • IP Address
  • Port number
  • Username
  • Password

If you are not sure what these values should be. Please ask your IT department. 

Encrypted Storage

The proxy settings you enter are encrypted and stored in $HOME/.config/Pulsic/Animate.conf 

Here is an example proxy setting section from the Animate.conf file
